Israel Awakening by PJ Hanley

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What is it about Israel that is so special?
How has she survived millennia of persecution and oppression?
Why is she once again the central focus of world attention and politics?
Could this be the time when the Father restores the kingdom to her?
Israel is the delight of God’s heart, the apple of His eye, His firstborn son (Ex 4:22), His sovereign choice, His special possession, and His eternal dwelling and glory (Is 46:13). She is the focus of Scripture, the burden of the prophets and the tears of the Messiah.PJ Hanley has written a book intended to open the eyes of Christians to the central role of Israel in the plan of God. It’s a spiritual journey from the past to the present and beyond. It examines the doctrines and attitudes of the modern church, which defraud Israel and contribute to the curse of Scriptural blindness, deadness and lack of the Spirit’s power. It’s not a journey for the weak or frail who prefer the comfort and familiarity of their surroundings to the discovery and adventure of the pioneer. However, it’s a journey that must be traveled and a destination the church must reach before the advent of the King!