Introducing the Banner of Love Ministries, School of the Bible

An international ministry school equipping students in the Word of God, whether locally or remotely. We’re training leaders around the world to serve Jesus Christ and His Church until He comes. 

Check out our website: 

We believe that every person should be able to read, understand, and study the Bible. God’s Word should be available to all, and not just those pursuing a theological degree. Therefore, we have formatted this school free of charge for anyone with internet access to use. Feel free to use this school to support your personal study of the Bible.

Do you or your church have small groups or Bible studies? 

You can use this school as your curriculum. Maybe you don’t have a group to attend, but you’d like to host one. Banner of Love Ministries regularly run these groups within our local churches. We’ve created this site for those who may not have a BOLM church near them. BOLM School of the Bible makes it easy for you to host your own group. All you need is someone to host and people to meet with. We provide the teacher through videos as well as notes and materials to lead your group. Just get everyone together with a hunger to know more of God’s word.